
Showing posts from April, 2017

Replace a particular word of a sentence with another word

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> //replace a particular word in a sentence with another word int main() { char str[100],strn[100],word[15],wrd[15],wrd1[15]; int j,i,k; printf("Enter the sentence : "); gets(str); printf("Enter the word to be replaced : "); gets(wrd); printf("Enter the word to be replaced with : "); gets(wrd1); k=0; for(i=0;str[i];i++) { j=0; while(str[i]!=' ' && str[i]!='\0') { word[j++]=str[i++]; } word[j]='\0'; if(strcmp(word,wrd)==0) { j=0; while(wrd1[j]!='\0') strn[k++]=wrd1[j++]; strn[k++]=' '; } else { j=0; while(word[j]!='\0') strn[k++]=word[j++]; strn[k++]=' '; } } strn[--k]='\0'; printf("The new senetence is %s\n\n",strn); } I/O